How do I become a member?

Email us at and we can add you to the roster.

When do the boosters meet?

Second Wednesday of the month.

What are the responsibilities of a booster?

Support the band and the directors by offering either your time or talents! Help when you can! We encourage everyone to participate–the more people involved, the more we can spread out the opportunity to volunteer and the less work for individuals. Throughout the year, we:

  • Provide planning and support for band camp
  • Assist band through competition season; traveling to and from each competition as chaperones, equipment managers, truck drivers, etc.
  • Maintain uniforms–cleaning, sewing, fitting, etc.
  • Produce the Spartan Classic–largest event of the year
  • Concessions at football and basketball games; a portion of proceeds benefits the band
  • Organize fundraising events
  • Host concerts

What is the fee?

$20 per family—inlcudes one free t-shirt!